Board of Directors
Vancouver Thunderbirds Hockey is governed by ten directors who are elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting. Directors hold positions for two years with portfolios being assigned annually based on the skills and knowledge of the individual Board members and the current needs of the association.
The Board typically meets monthly in the third week. Members (including parents/guardians of our players) are welcome to request to attend a meeting to present an item to the Board. A request must be sent via email a minimum of 10 days in advance of any meeting and must include: name of presenter and their affiliation to the association, topic to be presented and a brief summary of the presentation.
Board Meeting Minutes
Thunderbird members can access minutes from the current season here. These are password protected and all members who indicated during registration they would like access have been sent the password. Should any other Thunderbird member wish to gain access, please email Access with the name of the TBird player you are affiliated with to obtain the password.
Chantal Cotton
Akira Teramoto
Steve Gully
1st Vice President
Director, Projects
Bruce Gregg
2nd Vice President
Director, Rep
Mike Kauffman
Associate Director, Finance
Delia Jane (DJ) Ramsbotham
Associate Director, Rep
Rhiannon Wong
Director, U7/U9
Michael Becir
Associate Director, U7/U9