Most of our families will have someone that runs the clock at some point. There are currently three different clocks used across our home arenas. The instructions for each can be found below.


UBC, Hillcrest and Agrodome - Daktronics

Daktronics All Sport® 5000 1 pager v2



  Nevco 008-3261 Score Clock



OES ISC9000 Score Clock


Playing Music at games

  • Identify cables needed - XLR to Mini cable which is needed for Kerrisdale and UBC

  • If no music comes out - UBC Protrans - goto skate shop and ask them to turn up the master - at Kits/Sunset - switch the setting in the office

  • Turn on appropriate hockey music, ogran sounds etc. Music must be apprpriate.

  • Stop music after the puck drops