Cross / half ice hockey is not a new concept. USA Hockey brought the idea to a national level as part of the Athlete Development Model (ADM) in 2009; the International Ice Hockey Federation implemented cross ice into their Learn to Play programs in 2010; and Hockey Canada has mandated that every association in Canada must operate their ice sessions for the initiation level (H1/H2) as cross ice and novice level (H3-H4) as either cross ice or half ice starting in the 2017/18 season.
BC Hockey was a leader in Canada and adopted the cross ice philosophy for its members in the 2016/17 season. With the new season, they have aligned with Hockey Canada's requirements and H3 and H4 will also introduce half ice hockey, dependent upon the size of the ice surface.
Vancouver Thunderbirds Hockey firmly believes in the benefits of cross ice hockey and embraces the inclusion of the program. We will continue to add resources on this page for our coaches and parents.