Dealing with Major Penalties and Suspensions
It is the responsibility of the team to know about and track any suspensions of your players. If a suspended player is entered onto a game roster (whether they play or not), the coach is subject to discipline. Two lessons:
1) be sure to remove any suspended player's name from the game sheet (be careful if you use pre-made labels - make sure you cross that player off!!)
2) stay on top of your team on Teamlink so you know for sure if a player was assessed a penalty that will result in a suspension.
Be careful - the "last 10 minutes of the game" could actually include part of the 2nd period if the game was played at a slow pace and the third period wasn't 10 minutes long.
It is up to you and your coaches to be familiar with the PCAHA rule book. If you have any doubts, contact your PCAHA League Manager AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO YOUR NEXT GAME.
Risk Management for Managers
Below you will find the information on the most asked elements, however, for more information, please go to the Resources - Safety and Risk page on the website.