
With over 60 teams, multiple skill groups, camps and clinics, and regular juggling of schedules, our TBird ice allocator has one of the hardest jobs in the association. There are certain processes that are put into place to ensure that they are able to deal with any changes efficiently but also to ensure that no ice is left empty as there are always others who could use it - from within TBirds or outside groups.

Ice Allocation Overview

Vancouver Thunderbirds are provided ice from the Vancouver Park Board based on their Ice Allocation Policy. The reality is there are more groups that qualify for ice than there is ice available, and so we do not receive the full allotment we are entitled to. In addition, the Ice Allocation Policy does not factor in the norm for within the sports that their different user groups are from, but rather a generic formula. As a result, Thunderbirds also rents ice from other private facilities and/or neighbouring municipalities in order to operate our programs.

Each group is allocated ice based on a number of factors including, but not limited to:

  • the age of the group
  • spreading out options to accommodate conflicts
  • availability of skill providers and/or required equipment
  • consideration for location variety of rinks
  • for U6-U9, avoidance of typical soccer practices on Saturday morning with Vancouver United FC

We do not have extra ice and therefore flexibility is limited. While ice times may be allocated that are not ideal for any variety of reasons, we do everything possible to make a fair schedule across the teams/groups.


Conflict Games

Once PCAHA posts a schedule, team managers should review it for any home games that are marked "Conflict". Team Manager steps:

  • Fill out the form below for Conflict Game Resolution
  • An option to resolve the conflict game will be emailed to the team manager
  • Provide the option to the team manager from the other team.
    • If they agree, confirm the time with the ice allocator.
    • If they do not agree, ask for a second option from the ice allocator. Know that the first option is typically the best option though so be sure the other team really can't accept it.
  • Once a time is confirmed, inform the league manager with the updated ice time so they can update the game on HiSports.
  • If this is for the U11 or U13 division, complete the change request form for game officials.

Ice Cancellation

If your team/group will not be using your ice time, you must let the ice allocator know as soon as possible. Last minute cancellations should not occur as any open ice cannot be returned and the association still needs to pay for it. Cancellations with notice are welcome and any open ice will be utilized for conflicts, be added to the available ice chart for other TBird groups to use, or be released to outside user groups and refunded to TBirds.

If you wish to release any ice time, complete the Ice Cancellation form below.

Available Ice

Any open ice that we are made aware of will be added to the table below. Each ice time will allow 1 or 2 teams from the same age division. No team can request a solo ice time but they may end up with one if no other team requests that time.

If your team/group would like to request it, complete the Available Ice Request form below.

Available Ice

DayDateStart TimeEnd TimeVenueTeam #1Team #2
SaturdayJan 25, 20254:15 PM5:00 PMKerrisdale (45 min ONLY)
SaturdayJan 25, 20255:30 PM6:45 PMKitsilanoU11A1
SundayJan 26, 20257:00 AM8:00 AMKitsilanoU11C5U11C3
SundayJan 26, 20257:15 AM8:15 AMOval NorthU9C10U9C12
SundayJan 26, 20255:15 PM6:30 PMUBC Protrans
SundayJan 26, 20257:30 PM8:30 PMKerrisdaleU13C3
SundayJan 26, 20257:30 PM8:45 PMUBC FBU9C2
TuesdayJan 28, 20256:00 AM7:00 AMHillcrestU13C1